Jesus calls us to love one another as he loves us and to reach out in compassion for the vulnerable and marginalized in our community and in the world. We are always open to any outreach project that a member of our church wants to organize.
Here are a few of the things that we currently do:
· Support for the Partners in Mission Food Bank includes collection of food donations every Sunday as well as fundraisers and opportunities to give regular financial contributions through your church offering.
· Each 3rd Sunday of Advent we host “Sock it to Me” Sunday, collecting for Socks Kingston who distribute to various organizations who help the vulnerable.
· Each Christmas we purchase gifts for the women of Dawn House transitional housing.
· The youth group has created gift bags for those who are unhoused and do other service projects such as park clean-up and making gifts for those who are housebound.
· Financial support is made to the Primates World Relief and Development Fund in various ways throughout the year, including the encouragement to make this part of your monthly pre-authorized giving through Christ Church. Awareness is raised through an annual PWRDF Sunday and by sharing written materials.