Spiritual Formation
Spiritual Formation, for Christians, is a life-long activity of conversion to follow the way of Jesus. We do this through worship, study, prayer, and service. We do this through confession and humility. We do this through being the community that God calls us to be as the body of Christ.
Adult Christian Education at Christ Church includes a weekly Contemplative Bible Study, Advent and Lenten studies and/or retreat days, as well as presentations and discussions at various times throughout the year. We also offer a more intensive course of study and spiritual formation through the Education for Ministry program. You can find more information about EfM at http://efm.sewanee.edu
We nurture the spiritual lives of our youngest members by encouraging children to take part in Sunday worship, and through programs like “Compassion Camp” PA Days, Messy Church, and our soon to be implemented “Godly Play” program. We are also part of a multi-church youth group that is co-led by our priest, Canon Lynn.